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3 Ways a Spiritual Coach can Help You

how a spiritual coach can help you

Spiritual Coaches can play an incredibly helpful and influential role in your spiritual journey. They function as motivators and guides who push through the illusions that keep you stuck so that you can see the truth of who you are.


If you struggle to trust your intuition, feel safe and comfortable in your own company, and set healthy boundaries, then it might be time to find a Spiritual Coach.


Below, I’ve created a quick guide to what Spiritual Coaches are, how they can help you, and how mine helped me. And at the end, I invite you to take the opportunity to have your first Spiritual Coaching experience for free!


What is a Spiritual Coach?


Spirituality isn’t about understanding the universe, so much as it’s about understanding the truth of yourself – that you are God, the universe, that entity that is infinite. A Spiritual Coach is someone who has progressed on their own spiritual healing journey and is far enough along that they’ve learned how to reach back and take your hand to help your process go by quicker and easier.

spiritual coaching


3 Ways a Spiritual Coach Can Help You


1.    Spiritual Coaches Provide Clarity


Have you ever gotten frustrated because you wanted to do something for yourself, something that you needed to do, but the responsibilities of life prevented you?


These moments where you know what you need or what you want, but you deny what feels good to follow what you think is right in the moment, slow down your spiritual journey.


The time you spend with your Spiritual Coach – whether your sessions are in person, over Zoom, or simply a text conversation – is time carved out for you to focus on YOU.


Your Spiritual Coach will create space for you to get clear on what you’re trying to create. I phrase it that way because your journey, your pursuit to improved spiritual awareness and health, is you trying to create something new in your life.


But how can you take valuable steps forward in your journey if life keeps getting in the way of you getting clear on what it is you’re trying to create and trying to move toward?



2.    Spiritual Coaches Help You See Your True Obstacles


In addition to helping you gain clarity on what you truly want, a Spiritual Coach will help you navigate the obstacles in your way. These obstacles are usually illusions: stories we tell ourselves to slow down progress. If you’ve been living in discomfort for a long time, the comfort you seek seems unfamiliar and maybe even unattainable.


A Spiritual Coach will shine a metaphoric flashlight on that monster in the dark and show you it’s either something else or nothing altogether. They’ll lend their energy, their knowledge about their version of this path that they’ve walked before, to help you overcome these obstacles and make genuine progress.


3.    Spiritual Coaches Encourage You to Take Action


The final way a Spiritual Coach can enhance your spiritual journey is by encouraging you to take action and do the things you usually make up excuses for or convince yourself you aren’t capable of.


You have always known what you wanted. If you’ve found yourself in need of extra support, it’s not because you don’t know who you are, it’s because you need someone who’s going to train you to focus. A Spiritual Coach will help you break unhealthy habits and cycles by reminding you of your path and progress and encourage you to move forward, no matter your excuse.

what is a spiritual coach


3 Point Summary


A Spiritual Coach will create a dedicated space with and for you so that you can focus on your spiritual journey and clarify what it is you truly want. They’ll walk with you in pursuit of your goal and show you how to break down the obstacles that have slowed down your progress in the past. And lastly, your Spiritual Coach will push you to act on your own behalf by teaching and encouraging you to trust your intuition, find comfort in your ability to sustain yourself, and set healthy boundaries that preserve your peace and focus.


What My Spiritual Coach Taught Me


Part of becoming a Spiritual Coach is embarking on your own spiritual journey. I, Guruji Chastity, specifically help women heal their Mother Wounds because that’s something I myself struggled with and had to learn how to heal.


To navigate my complex trauma, I found a Spiritual Coach to guide me and this is what I learned:


My Coach showed me the value and power in my own ability to communicate. By prompting me to engage with my Mother Wound in different ways, my Coach helped me hone my ability to communicate through my Mother Wound. In doing so, I was able to create my own Coaching program specifically for women who struggle with Mother Wounds.


My relationship with my Coach taught me to not be afraid to ask for what I need. Often times in conversation with her, I would express a general need or desire. I wouldn’t ask for things, nor would I have any plans to satisfy these needs or desires on my own. My Coach would take it upon herself to bring those things into my life.


An example is when I was reflecting on my experience of drinking fresh juice and how amazing it felt to live off of a diet of fruit. My Coach decided to send me a juicer! It was one of the best surprises I’ve ever gotten, and it’s a gift I still use to this day. Exchanges like this taught me that it’s okay to express desires, to share my needs with the people in my life, not necessarily to expect anything in return but because not putting it out there stunts the opportunity for the universe to provide.


And lastly, my coach showed me how to be okay with change, to allow new answers to solve my problems instead of being stuck in my mindset and my past. This ties into how a Spiritual Coach can help you push through the illusions and stories, so that you can find new stories – solutions – to the things that used to get in your way.

spiritual coach


Key Takeaway


Spiritual Coaches can change your life by modeling the healthy, loving relationship that you’re learning how to have with yourself.


Interested in 1:1 Coaching?


If the loving support I’ve described in this post sounds like something you need in your life, then I invite you to chat with me. I offer one on one Spiritual Coaching. While I do have a dedicated program, I want to invite you to take advantage of a free call where you’ll have direct access to me and discuss your spiritual journey thus far.


Connect with me when you click here!