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How to Heal Your Mother Wound: Healthy Coping During the Holiday Season

how to heal your mother wound

The holidays are an especially complicated time for people coping with complex generational and family trauma. If you are in the process of healing your Mother Wound and want to know how to cope during the holidays, then you’re in the right place.


Below, I’ve created a simple guide to help you push through the negative stories and maintain your sense of self and peace.


3 Tips for How to Heal Your Mother Wound During the Holidays


Tip One: Fall into the Stories


Coping with your Mother Wound is a continuous process. That means you have to give yourself ongoing patience and grace. No matter how far you’ve come, a trigger is still a trigger and you are still allowed to react to that trigger. The growth happens when you realize how much the story supporting that trigger isn’t true, and the only way to do that is to fall into the story.


If your feelings get hurt, let your feelings be hurt. Be in that truth and work through it. Avoiding that truth suppresses the awareness that you are and strips you of the opportunity to move forward.


So, as you navigate the holidays – whether you’re alone or with family – know that there will be moments of discomfort and don’t be afraid to face them because facing them is how you overcome them and continue your Mother Wound healing.


Tip Two: Transcend Your Self-Care

mother wound healing


Self-care is not superficial. The amount of self-care routines I see on social media that only consist of skincare and shopping is wild. There are four areas of existence: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. In order to truly, fully take care of yourself you have to spend intentional time feeding all four areas of your existence.


So, transcend your self-care by cultivating a deeper, meaningful relationship with yourself. The way you make new friends or get to know a romantic interest is the same way you should spend time getting to know yourself. You took the time to get to know these people: their history, what they like, what they dislike, what gets them excited, and what makes them sad. Then you took that information and found small and big ways to impress them.


Instead of only adoring your physical vessel, make sure you provide self-care to every element of who you are. This could look like solo dates, dancing, crying, journaling, finding a mentor or spiritual coach, or picking up a fulfilling hobby.


Lead your self-care with the knowledge that the love and security you seek start within yourself, and you are more than your physical body. .


Tip Three: Look for People Who Want to Give You Love


Above, I said the love and security you seek start within yourself. They start there, but you can only do so much. In order to fully learn and receive the love you’re working to give to yourself, you need to experience it outside of yourself.


No matter your social obligations over the holidays, make sure you carve out quality time with the community or people who want to give you love. What I mean by that is people who show up for you as you are and embrace your inherent value.


Spending time with family can be fulfilling and draining at the same time, and if family is all you surround yourself with during the holiday season – as someone coping with generational trauma – you’re bound to lose sight of your path and your growth. Make sure you spend time with friends, partners, and people who give you a love that mirrors the love you’re learning to give to yourself.


You Are Not Alone

how to heal your mother wound during the holidays


I myself struggle with Seasonal Affective Disorder, and the holidays in particular can be a hard time. Working through my mother wound and connecting with spiritual coaches to support me on my journey helped me find healthier ways to cope and keep my head above water during the holiday season.


Now, I’m a Spiritual Success Coach. I use my own Mother Wound healing experience to help other women start their journey into better awareness and abundant living by specifically targeting symptoms of trust issues, body-image issues, and people pleasing behavior.


My website hosts various paid and free resources to help you connect with yourself and heal your inner child. And for anyone who needs extra support during the holidays and help keeping up their healthy habits in the new year, I offer exclusive one-on-one coaching where you’ll have direct access to me!


For more information on one-on-one coaching, click here. And feel free to message me here if you need to chat.