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The Art of Surrender: How to Let Go

how to let go


Want to know a secret?


The weight of the world is only on your shoulders if you believe it to be.


The pressure you feel, that you have a million things to do and the only way it will all get done is when you step up to do it, is a story you’re telling yourself. Of course, there are responsibilities that are indisputably yours, but where we get caught up – where the pressure begins to mount – is when we tell ourselves that we have to do more than what we are – in actuality – responsible for.


I’m excited to show you how your load doesn’t have to be as heavy as it has been and how you can sift through the stories and find the truth of what you can and should be doing. Keep reading to find out how to let go and everything that I’ve learned along the way of doing so!

How to Let Go


I’m going to work backwards, using what I’ve learned from letting go to show you the answers that lie within the solutions.

the art of letting go 

Lesson One: The Moment You Ask for Help is the Moment the Weight Comes Off


The answer is simple: when you feel like your load is too heavy to carry, stop trying to carry it on your own. Whether you’re asking for physical help from someone or you’re releasing what you can’t carry to Source, God, or whatever you believe in, the moment you allow yourself to accept and exist in a reality where you don’t have to hold onto everything by yourself is the moment you no longer are.


A great example is if you feel like you’re drowning in tasks. This can be at work or around the house. Take a moment to be honest with yourself about what you can and can’t handle. If you ask one of your coworkers for help or if you ask your partner or kids to help, you will experience some immediate relief when you are no longer the only one shouldering this burden.


Lesson Two: Letting Go Helps You Find Faith


When I say “faith” I don’t strictly mean in a religious sense. Letting go can help you find faith in yourself and/or in whatever you believe in. That faith – believing in something you can’t necessarily see or touch – is you trusting in the inherent value of what you have faith in.


Having faith in yourself means you see and accept yourself for who you are. You know what you’re capable of and are open to discovering and accepting what you aren’t capable of. When you don’t have faith, you forget who you are, and the lack of that awareness is what got you into an overly burdened position in the first place.


A Real-World Example


A common example are people who stay in relationships they don’t want to be in because they have something to prove. They want to prove that they aren’t a bad partner, that they aren’t who their partner thinks they are, or that they’re better than who they’ve been. They burden themselves with this task.


Instead of existing as the awareness of what they are and moving forward onto healthier relationships and experiences that will serve them, this person decides to stay stuck. In most cases, when someone is trying to prove themselves, they’re expending energy in the attempt to become something they are not.


Imagine if we refocused our attention and energy on understanding who and what we are. Then we could engage with our surroundings with decisive confidence and leave an impact because our actions are backed with truth instead of illusion.


So, when you let go of everything you aren’t, you create a clear path to who you are. And when you live in the truth of who you are – when you have faith in yourself – you can focus on what you’re capable of and responsible for instead of wasting time and energy trying to be something you aren’t.


Lesson Three: Surrendering Your Load is What Makes You Accountable


Branching from the last section: as you master the art of letting go, you’ll create space to believe in yourself more, to know yourself more. As you come to know yourself, the illusion that the weight of the world is on your shoulders will be shattered. Once you identify the truth and surrender everything else, you can get clear on what your load truly is. Letting go is what creates accountability because you’ll finally know what you’re supposed to be focused on.


You take back rightful accountability. If you’re only worried about your part, and you release – let go of – the part meant for what you believe in (your God, your Universe, your source), you shouldn’t be worried at all!

how to let go

Key Takeaways


This post was a bit shorter than what I typically put out. That’s because the concept is simple. It feels like a big undertaking, and no cap, it can be a process to master the art of letting go. But letting go is really a lesson in having faith and being honest with yourself, which you are more than capable of doing.


If you have questions or need support, feel free to reach me here!